Build a Development Environment

This section describes how to build a development environment for extensions. Before you start, make sure KubeSphere Luban and related development tools are installed.

  • KubeSphere Luban: Deploy KubeSphere Luban Helm Chart in a K8s cluster to provide a base runtime environment for extensions.

  • Development tools: Install create-ks-project and ksbuilder for initializing the extension project, packaging and publishing extensions, and you may need these development tools Node.js, Helm, kubectl, etc.

Install KubeSphere Luban

  1. Create a Kubernetes Cluster

    KubeSphere Luban can be installed on any Kubernetes cluster. Please deploy a Kubernetes cluster with KubeKey.

    curl -sfL | sh -
    ./kk create cluster --with-local-storage  --with-kubernetes v1.25.4 --container-manager containerd  -y

    Install Helm in your Kubernetes cluster.

    curl | bash
  2. Install KubeSphere Luban Helm Chart.

    helm upgrade --install -n kubesphere-system --create-namespace ks-core --set apiserver.nodePort=30881 --debug --wait

For more configuration, refer to KubeSphere Helm Chart Configurations

Install development tools

In addition to setting up the environment for K8s and KubeSphere Luban, the following tools are needed on the development host.

  1. Install the following development tools

    • Node.js and Yarn for frontend development of extensions: install Node.js v16.17+ and Yarn v1.22+.
    • Helm and kubectl for extensions orchestration and K8s cluster management: install Helm v3.8+ and kubectl v1.23+.
    • ksbuilder for packaging and publishing extensions: Download ksbuilder and install it to /usr/local/bin.
  2. Configure the development environment

    Copy the kubeconfig file of the K8s cluster to the development host, and make sure the K8s cluster can be properly accessed using kubectl.

    ➜  ~ kubectl -n kubesphere-system get po
    NAME                                     READY   STATUS    RESTARTS       AGE
    ks-apiserver-7c67b4577b-tqqmd            1/1     Running   0              10d
    ks-console-7ffb5954d8-qr8tx              1/1     Running   0              10d
    ks-controller-manager-758dc948f5-8n4ll   1/1     Running   0              10d

    If you are using a cluster created on KubeSphere Cloud, download the kubeconfig file from the location shown below:
