Extension Development Example

This section provides a brief introduction to developing extension, including environment preparation, extension initialization, integration scenarios, packaging and release, access control, and more. It also provides KubeSphere API and FAQ for your references.

Environment Preparation

  1. Prepare a Kubernetes Cluster

    KubeSphere Luban can be installed on any Kubernetes cluster. It is recommended to use KubeKey to quickly deploy a K8s cluster.

    ➜ curl -sfL https://get-kk.kubesphere.io | sh -
    ./kk create cluster --with-local-storage  --with-kubernetes v1.25.4 --container-manager containerd  -y
  2. Install KubeSphere Luban

    ➜ helm upgrade --install -n kubesphere-system --create-namespace ks-core https://charts.kubesphere.io/main/ks-core-1.1.3.tgz --debug --wait

    You can use nip.io or wildcard DNS to automatically configure access endpoints for extensions.

    --set extension.ingress.ingressClassName=<your-ingress-class-name>\
    --set extension.ingress.domainSuffix=<your-node-ip>.nip.io \
    --set extension.ingress.httpPort=<your-ingress-controller-http-port> \
    --set extension.ingress.httpsPort=<your-ingress-controller-https-port>
  3. Configure Connection

    Copy the kubeconfig file of the K8s cluster to the ~/.kube/config file on the development host to ensure that kubectl can access the K8s cluster normally.

    ➜  kubectl -n kubesphere-system get po
    NAME                                     READY   STATUS    RESTARTS       AGE
    ks-apiserver-7c67b4577b-tqqmd            1/1     Running   0              10d
    ks-console-7ffb5954d8-qr8tx              1/1     Running   0              10d
    ks-controller-manager-758dc948f5-8n4ll   1/1     Running   0              10d
  4. Install Ingress Controller

    Manually install an ingress controller, and set it to NodePort, port 30888. It is recommended not to adjust this until you are familiar with the entire process.

    ➜ helm upgrade --install ingress-nginx ingress-nginx \
    --repo https://kubernetes.github.io/ingress-nginx \
    --namespace ingress-nginx --create-namespace \
    --set controller.service.type=NodePort \
    --set controller.service.nodePorts.http=30888

Initialize Your Extension

Download the latest ksbuilder tool.

Use a pre-made chart package or generate a sample one.

➜ helm create demo
➜ helm package demo
# Successfully packaged chart and saved it to: /Users/inksnw/Desktop/demo-0.1.0.tgz
➜ rm -rf demo

Create an extension.

# --from adds the chart package from the context above
➜ ksbuilder createsimple --from=./demo-0.1.0.tgz 

Push the extension installation package to the cluster.

➜ ksbuilder publish demo
publish extension demo
apply resources to k8s cluster
creating Extension demo
creating ExtensionVersion demo-0.1.0
creating ConfigMap extension-demo-0.1.0-chart

View the newly submitted extension in the KubeSphere Marketplace.


Click to install the extension.

extSvcName is the name and port of your application’s UI service. These parameters can be configured by the user or not placed in the top-level parameters.


After installation, click on the demo in the top left corner of the page to verify that the extension is running normally.



demo is the name of the chart package, i.e., the name field in the chart.yaml.

Domain Method

After installation, you can verify by accessing the following sample addresses:



For how to publish extensions to the KubeSphere Marketplace, please refer to Publish Extensions.

OAuth Integration

Code Example

  1. Create OAuth Client configuration.

    cat << EOF | kubectl apply -f -
    apiVersion: v1
      configuration.yaml: |
        name: test
        secret: fake
        grantMethod: auto
          - 'openid'
          - 'email'
          - 'profile'
    kind: Secret
      name: oauthclient
      namespace: kubesphere-system
        config.kubesphere.io/type: oauthclient
        config.kubesphere.io/oauthclient-name: kubesphere
    type: config.kubesphere.io/oauthclient
  2. Use the example code, refer to this code.

    Expand Example Code
  3. Access to trigger login. After logging in, access again, and you will be able to get OAuth information. Snipaste_2024-02-21_17-56-43


  1. In the Secret configuration, name and secret must match the clientID and clientSecret in the code.

  2. The callback address must match.

  3. The URL in oidc.NewProvider(ctx, "http://ks-console.kubesphere-system.svc:30880") is configured in authentication.issuer.host in kubectl get cm -n kubesphere-system kubesphere-config. If your program is not in k8s, you need to modify this URL to the actual address. For local debugging, you can achieve this by configuring the hosts file without modifying it.

    root@m1:~# kubectl get cm -n kubesphere-system kubesphere-config -o yaml
    apiVersion: v1
      kubesphere.yaml: |
          authenticateRateLimiterMaxTries: 10
          authenticateRateLimiterDuration: 10m0s
          loginHistoryRetentionPeriod: 168h
          multipleLogin: true
            host: "http://ks-console.kubesphere-system.svc:30880"
    kind: ConfigMap
      name: kubesphere-config
      namespace: kubesphere-system
    cat /etc/hosts ks-console.kubesphere-system.svc

Harbor Example

Configure Harbor to use OIDC login.

Note: Harbor requires https, so you need to configure https for KubeSphere’s web (steps omitted) and modify the authentication.issuer.host to the actual address.


Log in to Harbor via OIDC.



Q: Is specific storage, such as SSD, required for installing extensions?

A: An extension is a helm package, so you can set the storage type variable yourself and allow users to modify it manually during installation.

Q: If an extension has a UI interface, such as a built-in monitoring panel, how to expose it?

A: Use standard k8s svc exposure methods to expose it. There is no direct UI entry provided for now.

Q: How to use the ticketing system and message push system?

A: KubeSphere has integrated with multiple IM/email platforms. You can call the KubeSphere API to achieve this.

Q: Is there an API for telemetry of extension running status?

A: Not currently available.