KubeSphere LuBan provides a flexible extension mechanism, allowing developers to smoothly extend KubeSphere’s functionality by extensions without modifying the critical code of KubeSphere. This guide walks you through how to develop KubeSphere extensions or seamlessly integrate your cloud-native applications.
Describes why KubeSphere LuBan 4.0 adopts an extension mechanism and how developers can benefit from it.
What is the KubeSphere Extension and what can it do?
Describes how to extend the frontend UI of KubeSphere.
Describes how to extend the backend API of KubeSphere.
Describes the development process of KubeSphere extensions.
Create and run your first KubeSphere extension.
Describes how to build a development environment for extensions.
Describes how to create a demo extension "Hello World".
Describes how the Hello World extension works.
KubeSphere provides extensions with a number of customization methods to extend the capabilities of KubeSphere.
Describes how to extend the UI.
Describes how to extend the API.
Describes how to configure the mount point of an extension in the KubeSphere web console.
Describes how to manage access control for custom resources of extensions.
Describes how to internationalize frontend extensions.
Describes how to create a feature page and configure route settings.
Learn how to assign a separate Ingress access entry for extensions.
Introduction on how to customize the license for extensions.
Contains some more typical and advanced development examples of extensions.
Integrate Gatekeeper.
Integrate with third-party tools and systems that have existing web UIs.
Open external links in extensions.
Describes how to package and release extensions.
Describes how to package extensions.
Describe how to publish an extension to the KubeSphere Marketplace and test the extension.
Publish extensions to KubeSphere Marketplace.
Video reference
Show how to develop a KubeSphere extension.
Show how to use OpenKruiseGame Dashboard.
Show how to use Databend Playground.
Show how to use Flomesh Service Mesh.
Experience sharing, and best practice.
This case includes the complete extension development, packaging, and release process.
Explain the differences between extensions and applications.
Learn how to upgrade to the latest version of KubeSphere.
Learn how to upgrade from version 4.0.0 to 4.1.x.
CLI and API Reference
ksbuilder is an extension packaging and release tool.
Kube Design
Describes the frontend scaffolding tool of KubeSphere.
KubeSphere API
KubeSphere API Concepts